The COLREGs Operator Guidance Framework is recommended for use when you have a specific vessel and proposed operation already in mind. It can either be used manually, or you can use the COLREGs Operator Guidance Tool to generate a personalised version. The information below is written with manual use in mind, but will still be helpful for a person using the Tool. The process to follow is:
1. Download and print out the COLREGs Operator Guidance Framework in A3 colour
2. Download and fill out the Design Record Template, to ensure you have documented the capabilities of your vessel
3. With your vessel particulars and the details of your proposed operation in mind, review the framework document, reading from left to right, and identify:
a. When each rule in COLREGs applies (i.e. some only apply in specific contexts like when in Narrow Channels)
b. The capabilities required to comply with each specific rule, broken down into the categories of Sense and Perceive, Decide, and Act (noting that these could be in the vessel, the control centre, or a combination)
c. Mission constraints that could be implemented if you don’t have the capabilities to comply with a specific rule, to remain in compliance (for example, if you don’t have the capabilities needed to comply with Rule 9 – Narrow Channels, you may plan to avoid narrow channels, and therefore remain in compliance with COLREGs)
d. The suitable method of compliance for each rule (for example, for Rule 5 – Lookout, the proposed evidence of compliance is Design Checklist and Simulation)
4. Review your analysis, and prepare for own records a list of applicable rules for your vessel and proposed operation, corresponding required capabilities, any operational limitations that need to be imposed, and the recommended evidence type. You may then wish to provide your filled out Design Record and your analysis against the COLREGs Operator Guidance Framework to AMSA to support your application for exemption and/or certification. You can also review it when conducting operational planning to ensure you remain COLREGs compliant.
Further guidance materials, examples, and an instructional video will be released to support the use of the COLREGs Operator Guidance Framework in the coming months.